Academic Communication English

Semester contents

​ TC(technical communication project)+IC(international conference)+Mooc

Final exam contents

​ 50%+50%

  • Module 1: Technical Communication 单选、判断、改写
  • Module 2: International Conference 单选、判断、配对、翻译

User Manual(TC)

  • definition of Technical Communication
  • basic qualities of TC
  • user dont read, dont scroll, are easily lost, frustrated, strangely persistent, different
  • The best instruction is no instruction(intuitive and invisible)
  • A definition clarifies a description of a new development or a new technology in a technical field. Definitions help specialists communicate with less knowledgeable readers.
  • create glossary, simplified English(SE), easily recognizable terms, pay close attention to key terms, use graphics
  • SE main characteristics
  • ASD Simplified Technical English for aeroplane maintenance documentation
  • SE requires writers to do what?
  • Before you pump gasoline into the gas tank, turn off the propane line to the refrigerator. If you do not turn off the propane line , it could explode.
  • Three types of definitions: Parenthetical definitions(附注型), sentence definitions(item is ‘category’ + distinguishing characteristics), Extended definitions(A more detailed explanation of an object, process, or idea. Usually one or more paragraphs)
  • guidelines for writing descriptions: functional, spatial(functional and spatial is all verbal), graphics(photographs图片, drawings制图, cutaways分解图/爆炸图)
  • guidelines for writing descriptions 2: process descriptions.(step by step, causal relationships among step, present tense, flow chart)
  • elements contained in instructions: title, general introduction, step-by-step instructions, conclusion
  • to achieve clear and attractive designing we must: create an open and airy design, use graphicsa and relate graphics to text clearly
  • Two ways to draft title: How to and gerund
  • The main difference between manual and instruction is that a manual has more elaborate front matter and back matter.
  • Ethical notes on TC: personal ethics(family), social ethics(constitutional) and conservation ethics(preserve ecosystem). You are in an ethical dilemma, resolving an ethical dilemma requires you to consider it from various ethical perspective.


  • definition electronic mail a system for receiving, sending and storing electronic messages
  • both personal and business communication
  • advantages: fast and efficient, inexpensive and green, convenient and time-saving
  • limitations: insecure, anonymous, cant be retracted, not private, forge email, junk email and spam
  • structure of an email 8: Header(Subject, TO, CC courtesy/complimentary copy, BCC blind courtesy/carbon copy), Salutation/greeting, opening paragraph, middle paragraph, closing paragraph, complimentary close, signature, pre-set contact info.
  • formality: frozen, formal, consultative, casual, intimate
  • 写邮件时候的注意点:avoid long sentences, concise and to the point, identify yourself and the topic, active voice, gender-neutral, no CAPITAL, careful with formatting, kind no flame, avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT, take care with abbreviations and emoticons, respond promptly, not overuse reply all, maintain coherence, answer all questions, not reply to spam, use templates for frequently used responses


  • definition: shortened form of “memorandum”, used in company or organization for internal communication
  • Memo vs. Letter: Memo接收者是同一个公司或组织的,Letter的接收者是本公司外部的个人或组织;Memo可以通过电子邮件或者公司内部的通信平台,Letter通过传统的邮件、电子邮件或者数字通信平台;Memo在公司内部个人或组织之间循环传输,Letter在公司外部的个人、组织等传输;Memo通常同时发给公司内所有人确保一致性,Letter有时会手动编辑发给不同的组织或个人;
  • functions: facilitate, informative, persuasive, vertical&horizontal&diagonal, bridge, permanent, to request, to explain, to announce, to confirm, to suggest, to offer, to bring up, to report
  • classification: documentary memos, congratulatory memos, disciplinary memos
  • structure of a memo 7: name of organization and address(printed), heading, opening, discussion, closing, signature, optinal(attachment and distribution)
  • 为什么作者会在名字旁边写上名字的缩写:为了展示他们已经看过了memo了,对该memo负责
  • heading的subject首个字母大写,其他都小写
  • CC的名字排序,按照A-Z或者按照组织的排序
  • opening includes: context and problem, specific assignment or task, the purpose
  • closing: complimentary close or directive close or recommendations
  • 写memo的tips:使用标准或组织规定的格式,包含全部必要的segments,opening清楚交代context和purpose,牢记和接收者的关系选择合适的语气和formality,积极或者中性tone、尽量短且抓住重点,适量使用高亮、粗体等

Job Application(TC)

  • Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae(CV): 1 or 2 pages or more? for any position in an organization or for a position in a research organization? more skill-oriented or more knowledge-oriented?
  • before writing resume: 3 know, know ourselves, know target company/employer, know target post
  • types of resumes: chronological resume(更加普遍), functional/skills resume(初始求职者), hybrid/combination resume(not popular or not commonly used as it tends tobe very long and also it may turn out to be repetitive in nature)
  • 对于刚毕业的学生,他们通常使用chronological resume!!!
  • A resume communicates in two ways: through its content and appearance
  • basic information 6: identifying information, objectives or summary of qualifications, education, employment history, interests and activitiies, references
  • 教育经历是一个应届毕业生最大的卖点
  • employment history: 强调结果,量化结果,注意写时间地点、使用倍动语态、合理的缩进
  • 对于写个人的职能等时,使用active voice
  • reference: those people who are willing to speak or write on your behalf


Unit 1: The ingredients of a Great Presentation

​ A presentation is a mixture of three aspects: content, design and delivery.

​ A presentation is composed of three parts: introduction, main part and closing.

Unit 2: Signposting Your Way Through a Presentation

​ Throughout a presentation, you will put up “signposts”, constantly telling the audience which section or point you have reached and where you are going now. This technique is called “signposting” during a presentation.

​ Signposting language in a presentation is verbal statements-usually words, phrases or sentences-that clearly highlight your key points and signal the logical connections between you ideas.

Unit 3: The Basics of International Conferences

​ How to find academic conferences? Internet search engines; Conference alert platforms; Journals and magazines; Consulting your supervisors and fellow researchers;

Unit 4: Call for Papers

​ Major components of the sample Call for Papers: Name, time and venue of a conference; Conference objectives; conference themes; Organizing institution and committee; Information on paper submission/requirements for papers; Contact information

​ 会议分类:Meeting(general), Conference(大的学术会议), Symposium(小的学术会议), Congress(代表参加的), Convention(周期性日常会议), Forum(开放论坛会议), Seminar(小型研讨会), Workshop(讲究实际效用的周期性会议), Colloquium(大型研讨会), Session(议会、法院)

Unit 5: Opening Speeches

​ Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Distinguished guests, good evening!

Unit 6: Introducing Keynote Speakers

​ structure: Why is this subject important? Why is this speaker invited? Why does this very audience need to sit at the presentation? Why does the audience need to listen to the speech right now?

Unit 7: Keynote Speeches

​ before draft keynote speech: determine the purpose of the speech; know your audience; decide on the length and the structure.

​ introduction+main body+conclusion

Unit 8: Question and Answer Session

Unit 9: Closing Speeches



First of all, I would like to begin with a brief review of research in this area in recent years.


My presentation will consist of four parts: the first part gives a brief background of the current study, the second part describes the research methodology, the third part focuses on analysing the results of the study , and the last part discusses the conclusions and areas of improvement of the study.


Today, I would like to discuss with you briefly issues relating to the teaching of English at university. I will talk about my views, which is also a way of throwing light on the issue.


That’s all I have to say about the literature review, and I’d like to talk about the feasibility of this project.


This is one of the most important parts of what I will be talking about today, so I will provide more details to highlight this.


Due to time constraints, I can only briefly list the research I have been engaged in. I would be happy to discuss any of the issues you have raised with you at any time.


Papers are submitted online, so please visit the website and complete your submission by 30 October.


Abstracts for this conference are limited to 1000 words in Chinese.


The 19th Annual Conference of the International Society for Urban Linguistics will be held in Nanjing and there is an open call for contributions.


Please include the following personal data: title of the paper, author’s name, affiliation, and mailing address.


Remember the deadline of 6 May 2023 for paper submissions.


I would like to thank all of you for your interest and efforts in helping us to make this meeting possible.


For those of you who did not attend the last meeting, I would like to give a brief background to this series of meetings.


The conference features more than 50 interesting symposia covering all branches of linguistics.


The conference aims to showcase advances in cutting-edge chips, promote global collaboration and foster a new generation of scientists.


In conclusion, I wish the Conference every success.

很荣幸由我来介绍XX博士,ISSCC 50周年首位主旨发言人。

It is an honour for me to introduce Dr. XX, the first keynote speaker for the 50th anniversary of ISSCC.


Dr Moore graduated with an undergraduate (BS) degree in Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1950. received his PhD in Chemistry and Physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1954.


Please join me now in welcoming Academician Yuan Longping to tell us how he feeds one-fifth of the world’s population with high-yield hybrid rice.


In Zhong Nanshan’s 60-year career as a doctor and teacher, he has perfectly interpreted the original heart and mission of medical workers with his professionalism and courage.


As Asia’s flying man, Su Bingtian broke the Asian record for the men’s 100 metres with a time of 9.83 seconds in the semi-finals of the Tokyo Olympics, becoming the first Chinese to reach the final in this event.


Today I’m going to talk to you about blockchain applications, which is the theme of this conference and the subject of my recent academic work.


As you can see on this graph, the MA2001 has been producing at a steady rate of around 5,000 per month from January to April this year.


As I mentioned earlier, as online education continues to grow, many colleges and universities are actively exploring ways to deliver course content to online learners.

看完了有关市场的供求问题 ,接下来我想谈一谈商业投资。

Having looked at the issue of supply and demand in the relevant market, I would like to talk about business investment next.


Finally, I would like to stress that since the water problem has affected all of us, and since a number of measures are now yielding slow results, we believe that the problem can only be solved ultimately by conserving water and controlling pollution.


That’s not a good question, and I’m afraid I can’t give you a satisfactory explanation anytime soon.


Interesting, but how does your point fit into what we are considering?


Judging by your question, I can see that you understand X quite differently than we do. I intended ……


I’m glad you’re interested in this topic, but in all fairness, I think we should listen to other people’s problems.


Did I answer your question?


We are about to conclude this productive meeting.


I would like to thank all the hard working and dedicated staff who made this conference possible.


Several keynote speakers gave interesting presentations on logistics practices in the main session of the conference.


The audience was under a great deal of paper pressure and time pressure, but they still learnt with great interest what the scientists and business experts had to offer.


Finally, allow me to declare this meeting closed.


​ The process of copying or converting exitsing content when it is suitable to the ongoing project is called repurposing.

​ Pronouns, such as you and your, can personlize the manual and promote good customer-company relationships.

​ Memos should be brief but sufficiently informative. Readers expect memos that are short and to the point but not at the expense of clarity.

​ Persuasiveness is the soul of proposal.